During 2011 I added almost 90 new posts to this blog taking the total over the last 4 years to well over 400. At different times I got bored, distracted and overly enthusiastic. This is apparent from the wildly different number of monthly posts across the year.
Here is a reminder of the Top 5 most-visited TaxBuzz blog posts of 2011. Click on the titles if you want to read them again. Your comments are also still welcome too.
This post was inspired by a intriguing article in the Sunday Times and a conversation I had with a top Stamp Duty tax lawyer.
The programme included an interview with Graham Aaronson prior to the publication of his GAAR report
31 March 2011
A classic case of debunking misleading media stories about a theoretically possible rise to£1,300
HMRC turn the Spotlight on the newest EBT related tax avoidance schemes
HMRC turn the Spotlight on the newest EBT related tax avoidance schemes
10 Mar 2011
Fair warning to anyone tempted to pay good money for putting funds into such schemes
The best tax advice you will ever hear
9 Aug 2011
All too often the tax advice shared by amateurs proves the truth of that old adage that 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing'.The best tax advice you will ever hear
9 Aug 2011