Monday, July 5, 2010

Freedom to abolish tax laws

Last week the Deputy PM, Nick Clegg, announced the launch of 'Your Freedom' a new Government website where British citizens can nominate laws they wish to be repealed or altered because they're unnecessary, restrict civil liberties or hinder development of business.

Already there are over 700 suggestions for changes to the tax system. I'm not convinced that any will ever make their way into a Finance Bill or that contributing to this site will prove more effective than making representations through the professional accountancy and tax bodies.

But, if you have strong views about any aspects of tax legislation that you think should be repealed, you may want to record your views on this website. You can do so anonymously although why anyone with a serious idea would choose not to be identified with it is beyond me.

As is suggested on the home page of the site, you should first do a quick search using key words to see if someone else has already identified your chosen law for prospective abolition. Sadly the majority of tax related ideas to date are rather ill informed, too generic or simply mad. Maybe the site will be enhanced to require the identification of the specific laws to which contributors are referring.

I managed to identify a couple of suggestions with which readers may wish to identify:
If you spot (or post) any others by all means add links to them in the comments against this blog post.

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